A Partridge in a Pear Tree
Crochet the 12 birds of Christmas by Kerry Lord
A unique collection of crochet patterns for the 12 birds of
Taking inspiration from the famous Christmas carol, Kerry Lord,
author of the Edward’s Menagerie series and founder of TOFT
yarns, has created this crochet collection. Including John the
Spotted Woodpecker for 12 drummers drumming, Lydia the
Greylag Goose for six geese a-laying and, of course, Felix the
Partridge in a pear tree, this is Christmas fun at its most
About Kerry Lord
Kerry Lord is the founder and creative director of the TOFT luxury yarn brand. The yarn brand was born in September 2006, a product of the successful and established family business the Toft Alpaca Stud farm. Kerry is the author of Edward’s Crochet Imaginarium, Edward’s Crochet Doll Emporium, Edward’s Menagerie: Birds, Edward’s Menagerie: The New Collection, the How to Crochet Animals series (Farm/Pets/Wild/Ocean) and A Partridge in a Pear Tree. She lives in Rugby, UK, with her husband, children and dog.
Publisher: Pavilion
Edition: BB Hardback
Publication: 30 September 2020
ISBN 13/EAN: 9781911663263
Size: 200x200 mm
Illustrations: 35
Pages: 96